I create content strategies and written content for B2B companies specializing in the retail, ecommerce, and travel industries.
Here are some of the ways I’ve helped clients:
Optimized content to increase page views 661% and snag nearly 15,000 Google Featured Snippets
Earned more than 800 LinkedIn views in less than 12 hours for shared post
Wrote blog content that attracted more than 1,200 page views in one day
“Oh BTW, one of our blog subscribers responded to this week’s newsletter (which includes your post) and said:
‘This GREETINGS ARTICLE!!! SO HELPFUL!!! My store is huge so everyone just wanders around not really knowing where to start, I will definitely encourage my staff to start using some of these techniques to keep them engaged.’
Just thought you’d want to see that ;)”
“Just edited and scheduled your latest piece! Loved it. Feel free to grab another assignment (or 2). :)”
Companies like Shopify, Wave, Oberlo, and Vend POS have hired me to develop content for them. My work for Verizon and Four Seasons Resorts and Hotels has also earned awards from the Content Marketing Institute and Custom Content Council.
What can we do to your content to make an impact?